Flores is 375 km long. Flores is the volcanic island and has unique and spectacular attractions. Mount Kelimutu has become a favourite. destination, with its three crater lakes of different colours. Divided by mountain chains and volcanoes, the island populated by ethnic groups with their own traditions and languages. Travelling through a dry, dusty stretch on the way back across the island after visiting Keli Mutu, it felt like I had reached the end of the world. A home of the unique culture, nature beauties and more.
Flores island Indonesia offers hotels in Flores : Labuan Bajo, Maumere, Ende. Flores island : heaven for diving and adventure tour. The paradise for diving, snorkeling, scuba dive. Komodo, Kelimutu, Maumere, Alor - Flores.
The directory of Komodo Adventure Tours provides information of Komodo Island and Flores in East Nusa Tenggara. The adventure tours to Komodo Island starts from 2 days exit Bali up to 7 days. While Flores overland tours starts from 5 days to 9 days travel.
all the bajo hotels are beautiful, right near the other islands. But I wonder how everything else could be, the food and the stay and the hospitality. The place looks gorgeous and beautiful though!
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